Woman charged in Watertown Funeral Home Fight, family pins her to the ground — Brenda Willis

58-year-old Brenda Willis was pinned to the ground by family members after she punched Bryar Hight in the face, and knocked the glasses of the face of her sister, Judy Tarpley, during an all-out brawl at Hunters Funeral Home after they said goodbye to their mother at her funeral service. The argument was reportedly over dividing up property. Willis is charged with two counts of domestic assault.

Nashville Officer arrested for DUI was attempting suicide with duty weapon after breakup, court documents reveal

Metro Nashville Police issued a simple statement that one of their officers had been dismissed after he was charged with DUI when his “pickup truck hit another vehicle’s side mirror, and he left the scene”. Court records show Officer Jerram Plastow had actually driven to an East Nashville Public Housing Community to commit suicide with his Glock 22 duty weapon after his girlfriend broke up with him. MNPD only disclosed the DUI narrative and did not release any of the other details on the mental stability of the 32-year-old officer they had recently given a gun and badge to protect the city.