18-year-old Mia Ghulam was charged with domestic assault after she pulled her mother’s hair, took her phone, and attempted to kick her during an argument about a dog, per report.
On July 4th, Officer Meyers was dispatched to 429 Buckhead Trail in regards to a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, Meyers made contact with Mia and Danielle Ghulam. Meyers proceeded to conduct an investigation of the incident. According to the affidavit, both women were involved in a verbal altercation regarding a dog.
During the dispute, Mia entered her mother’s room and grabbed her hair. After grabbing the hair, Mia reportedly took her mother’s phone away from her and attempted to kick her. The mother locked herself in the bathroom until law enforcement arrived at the scene.
Mia Ghulam was arrested and charged with domestic assault. She was later released on her own recognizance.